The Sapling Co.

paid in full {easter craft}

I have about 40 drafts lined up on my wordpress right now ready to fill with content and images of all the yummy things we have cooked + baked and activities we’ve done with all sorts of arts and crafts. choosing which ones to post has been a little haphazard, but this one is absolutely perfect timing! easter is just around the corner and while I’m very excited for it, every year adds a little more pressure as my kids grow older and gain more understanding of the gospel and christ dying on the cross to pay for our sins.

being a parent is stressful anyone just due to life and growing up, but when you add the responsibility of rearing them up in the likeness of christ, hoping and praying some day they give their lives to the lord on their own volition..? oh my.. just typing that last sentence made my heart drop into my stomach. ultimately their salvation is in their hands. I can’t make them christians, but I can guide them to the best of my ability, which.. doesn’t totally ease the stress of it all really does it? HA!

despite the burden being heavy of raising children to bring glory to god, give their lives, share the gospel and someday go to heaven, it has to start somewhere. and I can confidently say no age is to young to being teach your little ones about god’s love and ultimate sacrifice on the cross that we now celebrate as easter.

this craft is perfect as a way to explain jesus’s death on the cross. this made it visual to imagine the blood he spilt for us, but yet remind them that the hearts represent god’s love. god loved you SO much he gave his only son. the sacrifice was mad out of love for his children, paying the debt of our sins entirely so we might someday live forever with him.

it really is beautiful isn’t it?


black construction paper

white + red paint

paint brush


step 1- using the white paint, generously paint the palm and fingers of your child’s hand entirely and thoroughly. {if they’re old enough, pour the paint onto a plate and let them stamp their hand in themselves}

step 2- with your black construction paper on a flat hard surface, slowly and carefully plant their hand onto the paper. be sure to press each finger onto the paper firmly for them, then carefully peel hand off the paper

step 3- let the white paint dry a bit, then using a paintbrush or their fingers, paint a red heart in the middle of the white hand print {we did a dot, but we were supposed to do a heart, so.. ignore that}

step 4- somewhere on your paper, be sure to add the words “paid in full” as a reminder what the craft represents with the hand and heart in red in the middle of the palm

happy easter from our family to yours!