The Sapling Co.

no-mess finger painting

It should come as no surprise by now i’m a HUGE fan of no mess crafts and art. now there is a time and place for messy crafts, but man my mind really has to be in the right place before I knowingly subject myself to that sort of anxiety followed by cleaning up whatever chaos was had!

I do love letting the kids get messy. it’s good for them. it’s good for them to use their hands and feel textures and consistencies of mud, paint, water, dirt, grass, sticks, clay, etc.

having a sensory child, i’m always trying to find activities that allow her to use her hands and become captivate by touch and feel. it’s interesting I don’t think there is really anything with a unique texture that she’s distinctly not liked. granted this is also a normal child thing too, but rowan more-so than wilder has always had a fascination with sensory toys and activities. it stimulates her mind much more than wilder’s. its something she could sit and do for hours and hours if I let her, where wilder usually is on to the next thing within about 10-15 minutes!

this activity is a two for one! not only do they get to paint, but they also get an added sensory stimulation bonus! I have to admit, moving the paint around in the bag and swirling it was just as therapeutic as it sounds!


a ziplock bag for each child

painters tape

slips of paper that fit into the bags



step 1- slip the paper into the bag

step 2- pour or scoop paint dollops into the bag on one side of the paper, do not mix {we found that 3 colors worked well}

step 3- get out as much air as possible and zip the bag shut

step 4- tape the bag to the table around the edges to not only seal the bag better, but also keep the bag secure so the children dont pick it up and open or explode the bag

{pro tip: make one for yourself.. 😏 the kids won’t be happy if you try to paint theirs, take my word for it}