The Sapling Co.

how dare you?

How dare you. Those words keep circling my head how DARE you.. I’ve thought this phrase so many times in my life. I am a bitter person. There, I said it! I hold grudges, I battle anger and hurt, I fight resentment and that oh so obvious cold shoulder.. and I hear that phrase “how dare you” to my oppressors. Seems like every time we hurt, we grow a little harder inside. 

We are called to be on fire for Christ. Our hearts burning with desire to bring glory and spread His Word. Have you ever watched or seen lava, how it spills molten and liquid, lighting everything in fire in its path? Okay sure yes it’s totally destructive.. but I image our hearts in this same way. Overflowing with power and light and strength only granted to us by God’s mercy. It’s supposed to spill over and flood the nations, lighting other hearts on fire with God’s great power! Firing people up for the kingdom of heaven! Exploding truth and goodness to all mankind so people might burn bright in the darkness that shadows this world. Yet when exposed to cold, it hardens and forms a stagnant, solid, anchored rock.. stopping it immediately in its path. In a literal sense, this would probably be a good thing.. but imagine again the analogy of the heart. 

The more cold people are to us, the more hardened we become. And just like lava, this process of hardening isn’t always a fast one. What was once bubbling boiling and burning is now turning black, slowing down and becoming like rock. 

How dare you.. and we harden. How dare you… and we slow down. How dare you.. and our hearts turn black. 

We accept it, we welcome it and we hold on to that tight. We find reasons to allow that heavy heart to sit stagnant with people who oppress us. We throw excuses as to why it is the way it is and  that’s how it’s going to stay. Excusing OURSELVES of responsibility as believers. We’re proud and think we’re strong by maintaining our solid stubbornness towards offenders. But let me assure you nothing shows weakness than excusing yourself of forgiving. Nothing looks more cowardly than assuming you simply can’t soften your heart. 

Instead of SAYING the phrase how dare you, trying listening…

How DARE you think you are above forgiving. How DARE you think God’s power isn’t capable of renewing your hardened heart. How DARE you sit in contentment of your bitterness, anger, resentment and stubbornness toward a fellow child of GOD! 

Too many times I’ve assumed my heart will never change. How could I possibly love those who’ve hurt me or damaged me or were cold to me, thus hardening my heart along the way? I tell myself I’m not capable of loving them, praying for them and forgiving them. How DARE I assume God cannot give me the strength to do what’s right. How Dare I assume God isn’t mighty enough to make my heart new again.🌱🌲