The Sapling Co.

Homemade Tortillas

Why is it whenever I get the urge to cook, it’s always after 6pm?? I’m so terribly impatient too when a recipe says “20 min prep; 60 min cook” like excuse me who has this kind of time just laying around?!

So naturally like clockwork, my mind decided I wanted to cook tonight PASSED dinner time. My poor kids are so used to putting up with my random hours for lunch and dinner with how busy I am homeschooling, working from home, running a homestead and more. More often than not the only reason I eat or even think of eating is because my kids remind me they haven’t had lunch or dinner yet 😅

Life is chaos, but we honestly thrive this way!

I grabbed my cookbook and scoured the pages for something quick, easy.. and light on ingredients as were terribly short on ingredients at the moment. I’ve been putting off grocery shopping for too long, but honestly I’ve been trying to go through the food we have! {with the whole election this year, we prepped for an apocalypse lemme tell ya..}

Lucky for us, turns out tortillas only have a few ingredients, prep is quick and cooking is even quicker! Now there is a period of time you have to let the dough rest, but this is a great time to fix up the ingredients to fill your tortillas with. My kids of course only like cheese quesadillas so unfortunately they had to wait patiently till the dough was ready to roll and cook 😉

All-in-all, my craving to cook was satiated, the kids got the yummiest ‘dillas we’ve ever had and I managed to get them to bed with full tummies only an hour after bed time! Not bad!


3 cups of flour

1 tsp of salt

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1/3 cup of softened butter

1 cup hot water


step 1- in a mixer, mix together flour, salt and baking powder on slow

step 2- with the mixer still mixing, add in softened butter, mix on medium for about a minute

step 3- slowly add in hot water till workable dough forms

step 5- work the dough on a floured surface and form into a ball then transfer to a bowl. cover bowl with a kitchen towel and let sit for 45 mins {keep the surface floured!}

step 6- on your floured surface, cut the dough into 8-10 equal pieces {about 2.5-3oz each). Work them into balls and then roll them out as thin as possible and as round as possible.

step 7- heat a pan on high. Once pan is smoking a bit, lay your thinly rolled tortilla dough one at a time on the pan, only cooking each side for about 30 seconds each side, just browning the dough. Repeat for the rest of your raw tortillas

{pro tip- they reheat wonderfully in the microwave!}