The Sapling Co.


I hurt. So deeply. This world is full of so much pain and anguish and most of us walk by focused on our own lives that we take for granted how blessed we are. 

Somewhere a child is suffering.. somewhere an infant is in pain and doesn’t understand why. A toddler is crying and screaming for a mother or father who is more interested in money or drugs or a good high. 

How numb are we to let the most innocent  on this earth become a form of currency. Or sport. Is it because they are weak? Or that some cannot speak yet? Is it because they don’t understand so it makes it easy to accept how tormented and hurting they are?? 

I’m writing this with tears flooding down my cheeks. I don’t know why my first thought was to type. Other than I want people’s hearts to break with mine. I am broken. I am shaking. I am weak. I am overwhelmed with sorrow.

I sit hear crumbling under the burden of knowing there are children out there that are no more than a form of payment, watching my precious baby boy ruin my folded clothes by pulling them out of the laundry basket. 

Satan will some day be destroyed. And my goodness I cannot wait for that day. I cannot wait for the suffering to end. I cannot wait for Satan to be rid of this world.. I cannot wait till every infant and child who has ever been harmed, neglected, used, abuse, tormented, mutilated, forgotten and lost to find refuge in the powerful and mighty arms our God someday. 

This world needs a Savior. More and more every day. I hurt for those who cannot fight back. I hurt for those that cannot speak. I hurt for those who don’t understand why they are in pain. I hurt for those who ache for love because it’s all they know, yet don’t receive it. 

God please flood this place. I yearn for this earth to be overcome by your presence. 

For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.