The Sapling Co.

snow cream

Winter always starts out as one of my favorite seasons! The snow starts to fall and the weather is cool and fresh. Especially here on the farm, watching the snow fall between the trees and around the field. Somethings about cornfields being sprinkle with snow is so calming. Our kitchen has a HUGE wrap around window that is IDEAL for sitting at the table with a hot chocolate watching the snow fall!

Of course as winter goes on, we tire of it quickly! 😂 BUT nothing beats being snowed in during a snowstorm getting several inches of new fresh snow!

I shockingly found this sweet treat on tiktok first, and shortly after as snow storms began hitting Iowa nonstop, fellow homeschoolers and wildschooling friends began posting the recipes their kiddos had tried! we HAD to try it too!

Now, in our house, ice cream isn’t TOO terribly common. Andy LOVES his ice cream however, so whenever we have special family nights, sometimes we will go grab a small tub of ice cream to snack on. So of all the family, I was most excited for Andy to try this one out!

TIP: it does melt quickly! So I would recommend making and eating it right away ☺️


1 cup of cream/whipping cream/half and half/milk (we used 2% milk, but I would’ve preferred something creamier next time!)

1 tablespoon of vanilla

1/3 cup of sugar.

8 cups of snow (added as needed to get to texture)


Step 1- mix milk, vanilla and sugar in a large bowl

Step 2- quickly stir in a cup of snow at a time till ice cream is at the desired texture.

Step 3- add any desired toppings

Serve immediately and enjoy!